Today Obama was announced as President for January 2009. It's a glorious day for many, and for some it's a sad day. No matter what BUSH is going to be out of office in 2 months, so either way shouldn't we all be happy? Obama won at 338 vs McCain at 156. McCain gave a wonderful speech, which was very heartfelt and honest to me. It called for the country to unite, and he asked his supporters to now support the New President. McCain's speech really showed he really stands by this country's decision, and showed grace and integrity on his part.
History was made today my friends, and I am so proud and grateful to have been able to vote, to be in a roomful of friends, and to be apart of this historical moment.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Whiplash...
I have not dressed up for Halloween in a long time. The time spent on the island for med school, did not conjure up the same spirits as being in the USA , for this very American Holiday. With friends in the spirits, it was not hard for me to decide on going out for Halloween this year. What started out as an early 8pm, meeting up with the friends for drinks before a Halloween party, ended up being an hour wait for the police to come.
I was heading on the main street going with the speed limit of traffic, with a green light clearly stating I had the right of way, when out of nowhere, a car tried to make a left turn, and I collided with the car, hitting it right smack in the passenger side. My gut instinct was to break as fast as I could, but no amount of break could stop me from ramming into the car. I slowly pulled to the side, and made sure my friends were ok. The next thought in my head was, oh man, my car is wrecked. I asked my roommate Caitlin to check the car, and she stepped outside, took a look, and the look on her face said everything. I resolved in my head that the accident could not have been my fault, it made no sense, and even if it was, I was glad I was alive with my friends, we were able to step away from the accident without any need of to going to the hospital.
You can go through life doing the right thing, following rules, and within minutes, if someone makes a wrong decision, your life can change. I am so grateful that no one was hurt, but it did put a huge burden in my mind, when I thought, man things could have been so much worse. If my breaks didn't work, if I had driven 10 miles faster, alot of things would have happened for the worse. My friends and I would have been critically injured, life would have totally changed.
I woke up this morning, with nothing but a sore neck from whiplash, nothing severe, just a little ache. But sadly my car looks terrible. I hope repairs will be done soon, it's not a pretty site. But like all things, it's just an object, can be fixed, and life will go on.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Brrrrrrrr... the Fall is here.. Warm up with Beef Stew

The Fall weather is here! Today's temperature was in the mid 40's, highs in 60's, it was freezing to me. It must be all the time growing up in California, then a short stint in Seattle- now that got me tough.. but then the move to the Caribbeans really got me to be a HUGE WUSS! It amazes me how we all can adjust to the cold or the heat. I personally prefer to be cold, then to be insanely hot. When you are cold, you can add more layers, as well as slurp down on some hearty warm stews and soups. Speaking of hearty stews, I made a great beef stew last week, which lasted seriously the whole week. It was a recipe from my friend Kit F. which I slightly tweaked. It's a great stew for the Fall, it is hearty,healthy, and so comforting!
Beef Stew
1 lb of London broil, cubed ( or 2 packages of beef stew pre-cubed)
4 carrots sliced and chopped into 1 inch
2 large potatoes 1 inch cubes
4 stalks of celery chopped into 1 inch pieces
1 onion
4 cloves of garlic
2 basil leaves (or 1 tsp basil that are chopped)
1 tsp oregano
Steak Seasoning (the kind that has garlic powder/onion/salt/pepper)
1/2 cup red wine (any)
1 small can tomato paste
1 can stewed tomatoes
1 can beef broth
In a large stew pot, saute onions, and celery until onions becomes translucent. Add garlic cubed beefs, cook til brown, should take 10 minutes. Add 1/2 cup red wine, and let simmer for 5 minutes. Add Beef broth, w/ additional 10 cans of water, approximately 10 cups of water, bring to a broil. Add carrots and potatoes, and can of tomato paste. Season with Salt/ and or Steak Seasoning for taste, and bring to a broil. Turn down the heat to simmer with lid partially open, for 40 minutes. Once vegetables are tender, mix 3 tablespoon of cornstarch with water, add to stew pot and stir, this will thicken the stew broth.
This stew goes great with crusty french bread.
Friday, October 17, 2008
I love the rain...
I heart Fall , not only is it the season where you can see the leaves change color, it's also a time of abundant rain, bringing forth a new sense of monotony and hibernation. Fall weather makes me appreciate so many things like Chai tea, throw blankets, and horror movies! It's been awhile since I've seen a good horror movie on a rainy day. I truly wanted to stay in today, but my schedule calls me to see an art show with my roommate Caitlin, and yummy Korean BBQ dinner with a friend.
Rainy weather has always brought me a feeling of peace. Ever since I was a child, my birthday always had rain attached to it. It would always make me so distraught, because as a child, you want to have sunny outdoor birthday parties- I on the other hand, had minds primarily indoors. My dad finally realized how upset I was one particular birthday, and he sat me down, and told me a Vietnamese luck myth. He told me that in Viet Nam whenever it rains on a special occasion, it means luck and prosperity will come your way. Since Viet Nam's agriculture relied heavily on good amounts of rainfall for the crops, rain meant larger crops, a better harvest, more money for food and other supplies once the crops were sold. So when there is a full day of rain, this story comes back to me.
So if you are driving in the rain, especially in Atlanta, where people don't know how to drive, and traffic gets backed up, take a moment and think, thank goodness for rain- no more droughts and somewhere a farmer is smiling!
Rainy weather has always brought me a feeling of peace. Ever since I was a child, my birthday always had rain attached to it. It would always make me so distraught, because as a child, you want to have sunny outdoor birthday parties- I on the other hand, had minds primarily indoors. My dad finally realized how upset I was one particular birthday, and he sat me down, and told me a Vietnamese luck myth. He told me that in Viet Nam whenever it rains on a special occasion, it means luck and prosperity will come your way. Since Viet Nam's agriculture relied heavily on good amounts of rainfall for the crops, rain meant larger crops, a better harvest, more money for food and other supplies once the crops were sold. So when there is a full day of rain, this story comes back to me.
So if you are driving in the rain, especially in Atlanta, where people don't know how to drive, and traffic gets backed up, take a moment and think, thank goodness for rain- no more droughts and somewhere a farmer is smiling!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Arts and Politics..interpretations of Life
Yesterday my roommate Caitlin invited me to Eyedrum, a local art studio to view a series of silent art movies. I have never seen this type of movie before, so I was in for a surprise. We had decided before going that if the movies were not entertaining to us, we would leave and head to her friend's house to watch the last presidential debate. Eyedrum oozed of artsy people, the kinds that wear skinny jeans with tiny t-shirts and scarves. Girls with really short trendy cropped cuts, while some of the guys had Emo, retro cuts. I'm always amused at the fact that people, no matter what we do, we all kind of mesh and end up looking like the groups we work or associate with. For example, artsy folks strive so hard to be different, and original, in their clothes and their way of expressing themselves, but in actuality, when I go to art openings, alot of the Art folks look alike, in their style of clothes and mannerism.
The movie that was first shown was titled "Alaya". It was a 28 minute silent movie that captured sand in all different macroscopic and microscopic levels. I have to be honest the first 5 minutes was fine, but after that I went into zone out land. For me the movie didn't really mean anything to me, it was just sand, filmed in different angles. I glanced over at Caitlin and she looked enthralled in the movie, and secretly I was thinking "My god, I hope after this we leave".
We did end up leaving after, and in the car, Caitlin and I discussed our experiences, and what the movie meant to us. For Caitlin, the movie brought back experiences of her time hiking, and enjoying the outdoors. It brought up senses and memories even way back to childhood. Sadly, for me, all I saw was sand, yes , at some point the angles of the camera work made the sand look like a person's back, or the sand itself looked like bugs, but it did not in any way bring up profound sensations of nostalgia, like it did for Caitlin. We both sat watching the same movie, but our minds, the way we perceive things, brings on two very different experiences.
We eventually made it to the debates, missing only the first 20 minutes or so. The last Presidential Debates before Election Day November 4th! The debate was the best one out of the 3. The question that entertained me the most, was about the VP candidates ability to be president, if the situation was to occur, why would their running mates make a good President? I am bias, I won't deny it. McCain's answer to me was not convincing, he could not really make a good presentation that his running mate had any profound political skills to bring to the table, it felt like he pretty much said "she's cool, she knows a bit about autism". Obama on the other hand, spoke of Biden's work in the Senate, his ongoing efforts to serve his community and Biden's Washington DC experiences, to me it just sold better.
The overall debates really brought down the house. We all were entertained on McCain's inability to hide his temperament, and Obama's ability to restrain himself and be calm. This is how debates should be. It should heat the candidates up, in a manner that is professional but honest, unscripted. In the room full of people watching the debates, since we were all for Obama our interpretations of the debates was that Obama held composure and did an awesome job. Yet when the commentaries were playing, the folks of CNN seemed to believe it was McCain's best debate. So again, we all watched the same debates, but our views, and political associations, all made an impact on how we interpreted the outcome.
Interpretations and preceptions , we can all be in the same place at the same time, but by god, we will for sure have a different experience.
The movie that was first shown was titled "Alaya". It was a 28 minute silent movie that captured sand in all different macroscopic and microscopic levels. I have to be honest the first 5 minutes was fine, but after that I went into zone out land. For me the movie didn't really mean anything to me, it was just sand, filmed in different angles. I glanced over at Caitlin and she looked enthralled in the movie, and secretly I was thinking "My god, I hope after this we leave".
We did end up leaving after, and in the car, Caitlin and I discussed our experiences, and what the movie meant to us. For Caitlin, the movie brought back experiences of her time hiking, and enjoying the outdoors. It brought up senses and memories even way back to childhood. Sadly, for me, all I saw was sand, yes , at some point the angles of the camera work made the sand look like a person's back, or the sand itself looked like bugs, but it did not in any way bring up profound sensations of nostalgia, like it did for Caitlin. We both sat watching the same movie, but our minds, the way we perceive things, brings on two very different experiences.
We eventually made it to the debates, missing only the first 20 minutes or so. The last Presidential Debates before Election Day November 4th! The debate was the best one out of the 3. The question that entertained me the most, was about the VP candidates ability to be president, if the situation was to occur, why would their running mates make a good President? I am bias, I won't deny it. McCain's answer to me was not convincing, he could not really make a good presentation that his running mate had any profound political skills to bring to the table, it felt like he pretty much said "she's cool, she knows a bit about autism". Obama on the other hand, spoke of Biden's work in the Senate, his ongoing efforts to serve his community and Biden's Washington DC experiences, to me it just sold better.
The overall debates really brought down the house. We all were entertained on McCain's inability to hide his temperament, and Obama's ability to restrain himself and be calm. This is how debates should be. It should heat the candidates up, in a manner that is professional but honest, unscripted. In the room full of people watching the debates, since we were all for Obama our interpretations of the debates was that Obama held composure and did an awesome job. Yet when the commentaries were playing, the folks of CNN seemed to believe it was McCain's best debate. So again, we all watched the same debates, but our views, and political associations, all made an impact on how we interpreted the outcome.
Interpretations and preceptions , we can all be in the same place at the same time, but by god, we will for sure have a different experience.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Omnivore’s Hundred
Here’s what I want you to do:
1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions.2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten.3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating.4) Optional extra: Post a comment here at linking to your results.
The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred:
1. Venison
2. Nettle tea
3. Huevos rancheros
4. Steak tartare
5. Crocodile
6. Black pudding
7. Cheese fondue
8. Carp
9. Borscht
10. Baba ghanoush
11. Calamari
12. Pho
13. PB&J sandwich
14. Aloo gobi
15. Hot dog from a street cart
16. Epoisses
17. Black truffle
18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes
19. Steamed pork buns
20. Pistachio ice cream
21. Heirloom tomatoes
22. Fresh wild berries
23. Foie gras
24. Rice and beans
25. Brawn, or head cheese
26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper
27. Dulce de leche
28. Oysters
29. Baklava
30. Bagna cauda
31. Wasabi peas
32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl
33. Salted lassi
34. Sauerkraut
35. Root beer float
36. Cognac with a fat cigar
37. Clotted cream tea
38. Vodka jelly/Jell-O
39. Gumbo
40. Oxtail
41. Curried goat
42. Whole insects
43. Phaal
44. Goat’s milk
45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
46. Fugu
47. Chicken tikka masala
48. Eel
49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut
50. Sea urchin
51. Prickly pear
52. Umeboshi
53. Abalone
54. Paneer
55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal
56. Spaetzle
57. Dirty gin martini
58. Beer above 8% ABV
59. Poutine
60. Carob chips
61. S’mores
62. Sweetbreads
63. Kaolin
64. Currywurst
65. Durian
66. Frogs’ legs
67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake
68. Haggis
69. Fried plantain
70. Chitterlings, or andouillette
71. Gazpacho
72. Caviar and blini
73. Louche absinthe
74. Gjetost, or brunost
75. Roadkill
76. Baijiu
77. Hostess Fruit Pie
78. Snail
79. Lapsang souchong
80. Bellini
81. Tom yum
82. Eggs Benedict
83. Pocky
84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant.
85. Kobe beef
86. Hare
87. Goulash
88. Flowers
89. Horse
90. Criollo chocolate
91. Spam
92. Soft shell crab
93. Rose harissa
94. Catfish
95. Mole poblano
96. Bagel and lox
97. Lobster Thermidor
98. Polenta
99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee
100. Snake
Out of the 100 items, I am happy to say I tried 65 items ! I had Sweetbread for the first time last week at Holeman & Finch, I have to say it was quite rich.. and if you think it's "sweetbread" you are in for a huge surprise. It's the Thymus gland of a cow, yup..battered and fried to perfection! It's tasty, as rich as brain, not as mushy. What other Bizarre foods have I eaten? At Mi Barrio in ATL, the best Mexican hole in the wall, I had "Lingua Tacos", yup "Tongue Tacos" and they were delicious. Consistency of a tender piece of beef, but fatty and rich.
Mind over matter, be brave, try an organ!
1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions.2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten.3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating.4) Optional extra: Post a comment here at linking to your results.
The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred:
1. Venison
2. Nettle tea
3. Huevos rancheros
4. Steak tartare
5. Crocodile
6. Black pudding
7. Cheese fondue
8. Carp
9. Borscht
10. Baba ghanoush
11. Calamari
12. Pho
13. PB&J sandwich
14. Aloo gobi
15. Hot dog from a street cart
16. Epoisses
17. Black truffle
18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes
19. Steamed pork buns
20. Pistachio ice cream
21. Heirloom tomatoes
22. Fresh wild berries
23. Foie gras
24. Rice and beans
25. Brawn, or head cheese
26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper
27. Dulce de leche
28. Oysters
29. Baklava
30. Bagna cauda
31. Wasabi peas
32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl
33. Salted lassi
34. Sauerkraut
35. Root beer float
36. Cognac with a fat cigar
37. Clotted cream tea
38. Vodka jelly/Jell-O
39. Gumbo
40. Oxtail
41. Curried goat
42. Whole insects
43. Phaal
44. Goat’s milk
45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
46. Fugu
47. Chicken tikka masala
48. Eel
49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut
50. Sea urchin
51. Prickly pear
52. Umeboshi
53. Abalone
54. Paneer
55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal
56. Spaetzle
57. Dirty gin martini
58. Beer above 8% ABV
59. Poutine
60. Carob chips
61. S’mores
62. Sweetbreads
63. Kaolin
64. Currywurst
65. Durian
66. Frogs’ legs
67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake
68. Haggis
69. Fried plantain
70. Chitterlings, or andouillette
71. Gazpacho
72. Caviar and blini
73. Louche absinthe
74. Gjetost, or brunost
75. Roadkill
76. Baijiu
77. Hostess Fruit Pie
78. Snail
79. Lapsang souchong
80. Bellini
81. Tom yum
82. Eggs Benedict
83. Pocky
84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant.
85. Kobe beef
86. Hare
87. Goulash
88. Flowers
89. Horse
90. Criollo chocolate
91. Spam
92. Soft shell crab
93. Rose harissa
94. Catfish
95. Mole poblano
96. Bagel and lox
97. Lobster Thermidor
98. Polenta
99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee
100. Snake
Out of the 100 items, I am happy to say I tried 65 items ! I had Sweetbread for the first time last week at Holeman & Finch, I have to say it was quite rich.. and if you think it's "sweetbread" you are in for a huge surprise. It's the Thymus gland of a cow, yup..battered and fried to perfection! It's tasty, as rich as brain, not as mushy. What other Bizarre foods have I eaten? At Mi Barrio in ATL, the best Mexican hole in the wall, I had "Lingua Tacos", yup "Tongue Tacos" and they were delicious. Consistency of a tender piece of beef, but fatty and rich.
Mind over matter, be brave, try an organ!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Brain needs More Ram..Confabulations
I would like to think I have a really good memory, but unfortunately, my friend Tran has pointed out that my memory of events when I lived in Seattle has been slowly vanishing with time. Unlike me, Tran keeps tickets of events she's been to, postcards that friends have sent her, and she collects them in the box she calls "junk". I used to have a keepsake box, but after moving around, I decided to go without a keepsake box, and at times I would end up throwing away postcards sent to me. Don't get me wrong, I am sentimental, but I don't believe you need to keep everything to preserve a memory of events that was meaningful. But today's conversation with Tran, has made me question my memory and my ability to preserve things nowadays. It might have to do with the inability to retain information for school let alone memories that occurred 6 years ago. I believe that our mind is a tricky thing, that sometimes forgoes the old to make room for the new, since humans are not yet sophisticated enough to figure out how to use our entire brain to it's full potential.
It bring me to times when I need to retrace my steps when I have forgotten something. When we recall a memory, our mind will automatically "flesh out" the recollection by inventing details of the event, based on previous similar experiences. This process is largely unconscious We are not generally aware of it happening. The mind can add new components to the memory that are unrelated to the original event. Even more interestingly, these distortions will later re-enter our memory. I have always found it so fascinating. Man's reality is his mind's own creation, a memory is not recorded, but at times re-edited.
What is my point? It's good to take photos, it's good to keep a journal, because memory alone will not do justice.
It bring me to times when I need to retrace my steps when I have forgotten something. When we recall a memory, our mind will automatically "flesh out" the recollection by inventing details of the event, based on previous similar experiences. This process is largely unconscious We are not generally aware of it happening. The mind can add new components to the memory that are unrelated to the original event. Even more interestingly, these distortions will later re-enter our memory. I have always found it so fascinating. Man's reality is his mind's own creation, a memory is not recorded, but at times re-edited.
What is my point? It's good to take photos, it's good to keep a journal, because memory alone will not do justice.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
PDA..and not the Personal Digital Assistant Kind..

So a bunch of my friends and I went out for a late night snack at Holeman and Finch in ATL, GA, since our attempts at watching the Presidential Debates was a snooze. H&F has the best 10pm burger in town, and alot of small plates of yummies. The drinks are made with care, the place is just an awesome small place to hangout. So Kit, Pam, Sean, and I were all hanging out, when in comes a man with a denim shirt and levis stone washed jeans, around his late 50's early 60's, with a gal that looked like she came out of the movie "Working Girls". She wore a black skirt suite from the 80's, with MY GOD black stalkings, another 80's faux pas, I am digressing, but I need to paint a visual for you folks! The bar was full they were standing and chatting and then my god, my poor eyes, he started sucking her face. Literally sucking her face, in a crowded bar, where folks were trying to eat and drink and have a good time. I got blank stares from my friend, as well as neighboring tables, all with the same thought of " WTF is wrong with this old dude, and his call girl?" Sounds mean I know, but let's be real here, the guy was like 60+ atleast, and his lady friend was I would say at most 40, in great shape, and looked like an 80's call girl. Their attempt at PDA was trashy, and should have been left for a seedy bar, or a couch at the old man's house, not at a classy fun speakeasy like H&F.
The couple eventually got a seat at the bar with a friend, and all the time they were sitting at the bar, the Gramps put his hands down this gal's skirt, and up her blouse, coming from the back- so of course their backs were turned to us, and we got this whole show for the entire night of our stay, a good 45 minutes of groping .."yeah thanks old man" . It was by most the most disturbing PDA ever, and call is ageism, but it was worse since the dude was 60+.
It created a good conversation, of us trying to guess what he did for a living,we already assumed she was a small town girl, using Gramps for all he had. Gramps we assumed was a Jewish lawyer or doctor who is going through his mid-life crisis, paying alimony, and his 3 kids college education. With what money Gramps had left, he was spending it Viagra and on his "lady friend", taking her out on the town, and sucking her face for all to see!
So what is my point? I appreciate affection, I find it heart-warming when I see people hold hands while enjoying each other's company. Nothing wrong with a little PDA, but please leave the sucking the face at home. We all don't need to see it, nor can my eyes and stomach hold such behavior in a place that we come to eat and drink. BE GRACIOUS TO THOSE AROUND YOU! LEAVE THE FACE SUCKING AT HOME..
(posted some pics from H&F, friend Sean tried taking pics of the "Hands down her pants"- but his Iphone has no flash..note to apple- make a small flash for moments like these!) All Photos Provided BY SEAN M.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Exercise and Sleep
I had the best sleep ever last night. I think it's due to the fact I have been continuosly going to the gym. Over the course of the year, I have not been very motivated to take care of myself, and last week, while pondering over life changes, I decided it was crucial for me to incorporate exercise into my life. It's a great way to relax, have time for yourself, and at the end of the day it makes hitting the pillow alot easier. I have also decided to be more proactive with what I put in my mouth. Will decrease bad carbohydrates and replace it with fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. By New Years I hope I can come closer to a Healthier me!
"Findings from a recent Stanford University Medical School study may come as no surprise: older and middle-age people reported sleeping better when they added regular exercise to their routine. After 16 weeks in a moderate intensity exercise program, subjects were able to fall asleep about 15 minutes earlier and sleep about 45 minutes longer at night.
Researchers selected 29 women and 14 men with mild sleep complaints for a 16-week controlled study. All participants were age 50 to 74, lived sedentary lives, and suffered no cardiovascular disease, stroke or other clinically diagnosed disorder known to cause sleep disorders. All were non-smokers and moderate drinkers. None were seriously overweight or taking hormone replacement therapy, sleep medications or other medications known to affect sleep.
Participants exercised at least four times a week. Twice a week they participated in an organized aerobics class, which included 30 minutes of endurance training. The other two times they exercised on their own, doing 40 minutes of brisk walking or stationary bike riding. To assess impact on sleep, researchers looked at factors such as how long it takes to fall asleep, total hours of sleep per night, how often one wakes up, how one feels when waking up, and daytime function.
The link between aerobic exercise and sleep may seem obvious, but until this study, there has been very little controlled research to support this "conventional wisdom." Researchers were especially concerned about the overemphasis on sedative hypnotic medications for older adults. Though they are only 20% of the population, older Americans receive almost half the medications prescribed to aid sleep. The potential side effects of these drugs-confusion, falls, extended drowsiness, agitation, and interactions with other medications-can be especially problematic for this age group. Until this study, there have been very few attempts to identify effective non-drug approaches to treating mild sleep disorders.
The study also provides further evidence of the interactions of mind and body. In this case improving physical health shows a positive impact on the mind.
RX: Self-Care Tips
Try exercise to help your sleep. Here are some tips.
A drop in body temperature aids sound sleep. So time your exercise five to six hours before bedtime.
Make your exercise vigorous enough to make you sweat a little. Previous studies have shown that non-aerobic stretching and concentration exercises alone did not impart sleep.
Stick with it! Participants in this study did not report improved sleep until they had been exercising for 16 weeks."
By David S. Sobel M.D.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Anthony Bourdain..the Man the Mission.. Trip to Laos
Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservation" is one of my all time favorite shows to curl up with at night. His travels make me so envious, and his experiences and adventurous spirit with the people and the food customs he encounters amazes me. His travel to Laos, was one that really touched me. He visited a family, who opened their home to him. The father had lost an arm and a leg, and the family faced hard times making money, but they were still able to share what food they had with Tony.
Food to me is not the only way to keep a person alive, but it is a part of a culture, and a part of humanity, a way to expand beyond our borders, and reach out and connect with one another in a human level. I hope you enjoy every bite you take, and that food is shared with friends and love ones!
Food to me is not the only way to keep a person alive, but it is a part of a culture, and a part of humanity, a way to expand beyond our borders, and reach out and connect with one another in a human level. I hope you enjoy every bite you take, and that food is shared with friends and love ones!
Picture Slide Show Since Living In Atl
Have been living in Atlanta for 11 months now, and it still feels like I just moved here yesterday, but with all the photos, it does show I have been here for awhile. Have met some great folks. I have wonderful roommates. I have my moments of missing home, and missing the parents back in California, but I am here now.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Friendship and Food
Today a friend and I were able to meet up for some yummy sushi, and enjoy each other's company. It's been awhile since we have met up, and the reason? Well we had some misunderstandings. Due to the stress of life, I and her, were not able to communicate and misunderstandings have occurred. It was as simple as a Gmail Chat, a "sorry I was acting ridiculous", and then next thing you know it, we were across the table eating some deliciously made sushi. My point is, that food and friendships are both very comforting to me. Both of these wonders bring me joy and a happiness that cannot be replaced. No matter where I am, and how far I am from my family, I am fortunate to have found some great people and some wonderful restaurants to not occupy my time, but to share it with great folks that have come to be apart of my life. The sushi at Haru Ichiban in Duluth, GA was delicious, and the folks there were all very nice. The place was cozy, and it created a great and fun environment. We enjoyed our food and each other's company. I have come to realize friendships are a gift, people will always have misunderstandings, no one is perfect, embrace your friends like how you saviour a great meal, a bite at a time.
Friday, October 3, 2008
VP debates.. Still Unsatisfied

Yesterday's Vp Debates between Palin and Biden left me unsatisfied. I guess due to the fact I did not feel much passion in the delivery of both candidates speeches. The speeches failed to me to convey the candidate's own self, it rather made pitches to their Presidential counterparts. I know that at the end of the day, whoever is voted as President, one of these guys (VP running mates) will follow suite into office, but it's hard for me to sit and just hear pitches over and over. Palin sounded like a robot, but hey atleast she did mess up. If I ever hear "Joe 6 pack" I will throw something at the tv, that and "Maverick".
Both candidates at times did not answer the question, and it was a rather "take turns" debate. Biden and Palin were both too poise, and took turns speaking. I was hoping for interruptions, I mean dude, it's a debate ! Did this debate effect some on their decision, why sure. First hand experience, my roommate was unsure of Obama, but now that Biden has a chance to speak, she took a liking to this party more compared to Gov. Palin. I cannot deny, coming into this debate, I had a very Bias view, I already know who I am voting for this Nov. 4, and for the decided, a VP debate will not sway anyone. These debates are used to sway the undecided. For all you "Undecided" I hope you realize how important your decision will be , remember it's 4 years of being in Office. I hope to god it's not 4 more years of decline.
On a good note, I had some friends over to watch it with! The #1 Presidential Debates, I watched it alone, and it felt so lonely, no one to talk to during the aftermath. This time around I had folks over for wine and snacks. These debates can always be a time to eat and drink!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
YAY for Gas!
I never thought I would ever have to drive around "hunting" for gas. The gas crisis in ATL has been ongoing for about 3.5 weeks now, and it's been ridiculous. Today somehow I lucked out, didn't have to wait 45 minutes like some, only 15 minutes. The station was down the street from my house, and the price was 3.97. It's strange that 3.97 for unleaded has now become a bargain, I guess everything is relevant, plus you just have to accept it and go with it. Anyhow it's been quite a week, with the economy and the gas crisis here, that it put me in a state of "WHAT THE HELL"! Thursday's VP debates will surely add fuel to the flame!
I normally enjoy riding around town, never minded hopping in a car and meeting up with friends, but now with the whole gas situation, I feel bad for misusing my gas, feels like if I am not using it for a great purpose, I should just sit at home. Hope this whole Gas Crisis will Die Down!
I normally enjoy riding around town, never minded hopping in a car and meeting up with friends, but now with the whole gas situation, I feel bad for misusing my gas, feels like if I am not using it for a great purpose, I should just sit at home. Hope this whole Gas Crisis will Die Down!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday it's Going to be Quite a Show..VP debates
Normally when looking towards the future presidential elections, you focus on the main players, the folks running for president. Every since I was able to vote, I took it upon myself to go vote, I was quite the enthusiastic participant in this Democracy will live in. Until this year, I was pretty much sure of what I wanted in a leader, then our presidential candidates left me feeling a little lost on what I wanted for my future. Obama and McCain, to me they both aren't my ideal candidates. McCain's years and years of experience, meshed with Obama's youth and articulate skills in commanding an audience, would make the "perfect" candidate to me. So in getting no resolve in my presidential candidates, part look at the VP candidates, to help me foster my decision. Like the presidential candidates, at this time, the VPs don't stand out at me. Palin's VP ticket with McCain for the most part has hindered my views of the Republican Party even further. I always hoped and believed that when deciding on the nation's best interest, that the guys in DC would be taking things with great assault, but upon hearing that Sarah Palin was nominated to be VP, my blood boiled and my confidence of a better tomorrow in the land of the free, went up in ashes. Senator Palin as not done the best in public speaking, and Thursday's debate will be somewhat of a very interesting side show to this overall Joke of an Election. I would hope Senator Biden preps his debate well, because on some levels, Palin might surprise the nation on Thursday. With all the press pretty much expecting for complete failure on her part as an orator, there is much of little expectations on her performance Thursday night. In all honesty, I am excited to see if Senator Palin if just a pretty face, or does she have something really spectacular that the American People has not yet seen?
I understand that candidates need to relate with the general American people, but people!!! The folks running for positions in command of our country, should not be the blue color, back roads-thinking, American Soccer mom! I just hope my generalization of Palin is wrong.. We will see Thursday!
I understand that candidates need to relate with the general American people, but people!!! The folks running for positions in command of our country, should not be the blue color, back roads-thinking, American Soccer mom! I just hope my generalization of Palin is wrong.. We will see Thursday!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Jesus I am 30
Thought this day would come but not so soon. I am somewhat apathetic at turning 30. It's kind of just a number, I would rather gage my happiness and celebrations in terms of family,friends, and accomplishments. What I imagined being 30 when I was younger is nothing like what my life it now. Am I disappointed? Not really, I just had imagined it differently. I had imagined being settle in my career, with a person who was compatible to me, setting on an adult journey in life as a couple..with the sprinkle of friends and family to occupy my time. At this point I am still single, though not bitter - but getting there.. J/K.
I guess for the most part I am just exploring all my options. Because by this time next year who knows where I will be!
My Wonderful friend Lauren S. hosted a great Party for me, I got super drunk and celebrated with some wonderful folks.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Narcissism ..the good the bad and the Politics
Two days ago, the media was all over Barack Obama's actions in Germany..he was labeled a narcissistic man..who only wanted media attention, and would otherwise not be interested in anything else but to get himself on the political campaign of YouTube and the TV screens world wide. IS THIS WRONG? How can someone be otherwise and be in the position he is in? Running for presidency.. Come on People.. you have to be somewhat of an ass.. a go getter..a person who is self-loving, and self-loathing, to be so confident and so well groomed to run for such a political office. Name me one timid, non-pompous CEO .. please try..
It takes a certain personality to get to where he is.. I am not saying it is right or wrong, but let's face it, it's definitely part of the game, and for him , Obama is taking every chance to get himself noticed, to get his face on the screen. Sadly some folks just recognize a face.. they don't know the issues.. and if on election day, his face he burned in the brains of American Citizens who don't no any better but to pick and choose by recognition, then he did a good political campaign.
It takes a certain personality to get to where he is.. I am not saying it is right or wrong, but let's face it, it's definitely part of the game, and for him , Obama is taking every chance to get himself noticed, to get his face on the screen. Sadly some folks just recognize a face.. they don't know the issues.. and if on election day, his face he burned in the brains of American Citizens who don't no any better but to pick and choose by recognition, then he did a good political campaign.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sometimes you just want some alone time
As of lately, I have been in great company, my good friend Adam has been a great pal, letting me hangout at his house on Fridays til the wheee hours watching Psych ..and just chilling. But today I am in my own room, watching Psych, and House. I love House, it's so smart..cause it's just real medicine.. the people are insanely smart, the diseases are real! and I am loving it..
Getting back.. I like it , time alone, tea, sitting watching tv..and just being alone. Alone time is important for the Soul, it is important for the self reflection.. or just time alone to do nothing. When you are boggled with time that is categorized by appointments, it's just wonderful to have time alone.. to have a cup of tea.. take time for yourself, make a cup of tea.. turn on the tv.. read a novel.. do what you like to do to relax and find your sanity.. because life... as fast as the week's a long journey ahead.. everyone needs a time alone.
Getting back.. I like it , time alone, tea, sitting watching tv..and just being alone. Alone time is important for the Soul, it is important for the self reflection.. or just time alone to do nothing. When you are boggled with time that is categorized by appointments, it's just wonderful to have time alone.. to have a cup of tea.. take time for yourself, make a cup of tea.. turn on the tv.. read a novel.. do what you like to do to relax and find your sanity.. because life... as fast as the week's a long journey ahead.. everyone needs a time alone.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Paths that Cross
In life, it seems like you choose your friends, but do you really? Are we destined to cross paths? What was once strangers in the same city.. we have come together.. through the oddness of the Internet, that is how I met a majority of my friends in Atlanta, they have been awesome, funny, kind folks, who may not have the same past or future as mine..but we share a common thread of happiness on drinking, eating, and just chilling. It's funny as we grow older, as we know who we are, or think we know what we want for ourselves.. it creates the ability, a magnetism, for us to draw to the one's that are "like" us. When they say "birds of a feather flock together" now I understand.. So if it happens that we cross paths, I just want you to know my smile is genuine...and my wine glass is always half full!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The 80's are back
My roommate Caitlin had an 80's themed birthday party this past weekend.. and of course we went all out with the blue eyeshadow and hairspray bangs! The 80's were a great decade in time, where the music as great, and the teenie bopper movies were event better. Who can forget Top Gun, Pretty and Pink..Molly Wringwall was the "it" girl.. boys wanted to day her and girls wanted to be her. Though I was only like 10 in the 80's, I recalled the way my mom put on her makeup, and I have to admit I created magic with the blue eyeshadow. Now adays, I really don't think we have much style, bank in the days the fashion had so much more attitude and spunk. I really do believe we are a Generation X.. with no personality, on the burden of how to take care of an aging population.. the problem of high gases..
We are a generation that is determined to work hard for an unknown future.. sadly we are also a generation that doesn't have much personality, and as I look at generations after me, they look even worse off. Alot of them are unsure of who they are what they are doing, and where they are going.. but I guess that is the whole process of being a young adult. Atleast in the 80's in the process of trying to "find yourself" you are rocking out to awesome music!
We are a generation that is determined to work hard for an unknown future.. sadly we are also a generation that doesn't have much personality, and as I look at generations after me, they look even worse off. Alot of them are unsure of who they are what they are doing, and where they are going.. but I guess that is the whole process of being a young adult. Atleast in the 80's in the process of trying to "find yourself" you are rocking out to awesome music!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Love the Pops..
Yesterday was Dad's Day.. and I felt really greatful to be able to be home for that day... Everday should be parents day. They have done so much for us, give us life, take care of us through financial burdens and to emotionally push us when we needed help. Why only one day for dad and mom- you should take every chance you can to tell them how much they are appreciated and loved. My dad has always been my guidance when I am mentally exhausted and down. He has been there to tell me I am smarter then I think, but lazier then I know. Yesterday he was so excited to find me the Ipod program to make my Palm Pilot a functional Ipod to play my favorite songs- that he stayed up late at night and downloaded the program and excitedly showed me how to use it. It makes me sad to think that one day he won't be there for me anymore. But onto happier things.. it's been great to be home with my family, even though I have not done anything super exciting, it's still being home. Friday we took like tourist and went to SF.. and roamed the fishmans wharf on pier 41-39, ate nasty overpriced clam chowder, took some pictures and went to Chinatown. My mom is now very much like her mother. She was pretty excited to walk around Chinatown and to look at the fresh produce, much like my grandmother was. I am going to miss them when I go back to Atlanta, but to be honest I cannot imagine living at home as a grown adult. Maybe if I had done it from the start, it would not be so unimaginable- but once you get a taste of freedom it's hard to go back to the nest. But I love them dearly, and I am so grateful for all their support and love.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
High Gas Prices leads to People Stealing GAS!!!
So I read an article on how one neighborhood in the Bay area got hit.. thieves came- they didn't break into any one's house.. they were syphoning gas out of people's tanks.. How pathetic is that? With high gas prices.. the economy going into shambles, and the high cost of living in the bay area has left people desperate to survive. Maybe that's my naive way of relating to thieves? A desperate attempt to survive.. who needs a 9-5 job, why not just chill and steal when you need right? Let's not get me started on how it should mandatory to have a Job in my ideal world, and how reforms such as Police and security should be partially paid for by the government to secure a task force, but man power should be a volunteer requirement for every community members per month, I bet you at this, crime would be down. but wait..getting back on topic.
Those who cannot afford it are now resulting in what used to be an unheard crime. People are stealing gases right out of other's cars. Do they end up using it or selling it on the black gas markets. This terrifies me. The world isn't getting any prettier, peace is not even on our horizon. Why the hell do people want to have kids and bring them into this confusing and monopolizing world is beyond me. The older I get, and inching towards the thought of the inability and risks of having kids later in life- it comes to make sense not to have any. I mean with my great looks, awesome genetics..the world would be losing out I know..but still I have to be less selfish and realize bringing a kid into this world would only be detrimental to them later in life. They would just be another pawn in this crazy world, a work horse, feeding into the high cost of living- I'll spare my unborn spawn this terrible fate..
Those who cannot afford it are now resulting in what used to be an unheard crime. People are stealing gases right out of other's cars. Do they end up using it or selling it on the black gas markets. This terrifies me. The world isn't getting any prettier, peace is not even on our horizon. Why the hell do people want to have kids and bring them into this confusing and monopolizing world is beyond me. The older I get, and inching towards the thought of the inability and risks of having kids later in life- it comes to make sense not to have any. I mean with my great looks, awesome genetics..the world would be losing out I know..but still I have to be less selfish and realize bringing a kid into this world would only be detrimental to them later in life. They would just be another pawn in this crazy world, a work horse, feeding into the high cost of living- I'll spare my unborn spawn this terrible fate..
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Music Brings Back Memories..
So here I am ..back in California.. back in the hometown I pretty much grew up in , MILPITAS !! Well when I was younger.. my good old teen years and college years, I collected quite a great collection of CDs.. so I decided to use iTunes to update my ipod. Unfortunately being the old fogey I am, I had to update my ipod programs, losing the music files I had on it. I am not bummed at all, now I can add all the music from my past.. and make my ipod a little time capsule of alot of my past. R.E.M. and Live ,reminds me of my 1st boyfriend..we used to spend endless hours listening to the cd, hanging out in his garage converted bedroom. Sarah McLaughlin reminds me of my good friend in college, when we used to light candles and lay on the couch listening to Fallen, as we fall asleep.. hesistating to study. It's been along time since then, but these songs can bring back the memories like a DVD player in my mind. Music is like all of our senses, brings us back in time- a simpler time, a happier time, a sad time- but all times that are in your memory- just waiting to be uploaded and reminisced.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Politics..Keeping Us Hopeful.. and Confused..
Everyone seems to know who is best for the country.. Obama.. Hillary( she will be giving a formal speech this Saturday stating her withdrawal and full support for Obama in his attempt for presidency).. McCain. These 3 candidates all have great topics to get Americans mesmerized by their political plight to free us from High Gas Prices, a slowing economy, and most of all the War in Iraq. But what does their campaign really mean for the fate of the American People?
I feel it's a muster of confusion, that keeps the people who are already confused at a greater state of confusion, and for those that are politically "aware" , it makes them question their decisions on the "perfect candidate" who would fulfill their hopes of a Better America in the year 2009. For now, the democrats and the republicans all sound alike to me. My fear is that McCain will keep us in the war longer then we want to. My fear of Obama is that he keeps on going on and on about "everyone deserves free health care" - in which this aspect is easier said then done. Am I going to be paying for the free health care that is promoted? Will people who have been working hard, paying taxes, have higher tax increases due to this idealistic "utopia" generalized statement that will DEFINITELY have social and economical impact?
The fate of the American People are now up's time to Vote in November.. but do we all really know who's best for the Oval Office? Or is it just nice to hope that who we choose HOPEFULLY will have a better outcome then what we are facing now?
When Bush was re-elected..not one person imagined our country being in the state it is now. How so many young men and women have been fighting and dying in Iraq. How long and torturous, let alone costly this war has been on our country is indescribable. When the pavements of roads in American cities need work, where Hurricane Katrina still leaves New Orleans in a constant state of rebuilt.. we are currently wasting our money for a war that no longer has meaning.
All I want for 2009 is to get the hell out of Iraq.. why fight a war that has been going on for thousands of year between a nation that does not belong to us nor represents us in any way? Our future America needs to be more selfish.. we need to stop policing and aiding a world that is not ours to govern. There's aiding and then there's prying .. we need to stop prying damn it!
I feel it's a muster of confusion, that keeps the people who are already confused at a greater state of confusion, and for those that are politically "aware" , it makes them question their decisions on the "perfect candidate" who would fulfill their hopes of a Better America in the year 2009. For now, the democrats and the republicans all sound alike to me. My fear is that McCain will keep us in the war longer then we want to. My fear of Obama is that he keeps on going on and on about "everyone deserves free health care" - in which this aspect is easier said then done. Am I going to be paying for the free health care that is promoted? Will people who have been working hard, paying taxes, have higher tax increases due to this idealistic "utopia" generalized statement that will DEFINITELY have social and economical impact?
The fate of the American People are now up's time to Vote in November.. but do we all really know who's best for the Oval Office? Or is it just nice to hope that who we choose HOPEFULLY will have a better outcome then what we are facing now?
When Bush was re-elected..not one person imagined our country being in the state it is now. How so many young men and women have been fighting and dying in Iraq. How long and torturous, let alone costly this war has been on our country is indescribable. When the pavements of roads in American cities need work, where Hurricane Katrina still leaves New Orleans in a constant state of rebuilt.. we are currently wasting our money for a war that no longer has meaning.
All I want for 2009 is to get the hell out of Iraq.. why fight a war that has been going on for thousands of year between a nation that does not belong to us nor represents us in any way? Our future America needs to be more selfish.. we need to stop policing and aiding a world that is not ours to govern. There's aiding and then there's prying .. we need to stop prying damn it!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Will I miss you Atlanta??
Well I am so excited to get back to Cali, I packed 2 days ago and I am anxiously waiting for Adam to pick me up, and then we head for some Pho on Buford Hwy, before I leave for the airport. The trip to the airport will take like 45-60 minutes which is ridiculous. What the hell is wrong with the commute in Atlanta? Don't they know it's time to fix the bottleneck situation that they call freeways? Man it's backwards here.. and not like homes are cheap and everything is so much cheaper then Cali.. why not pay more to live in the state of paradise? Other then Seattle, nothing compares to Cali.. NOTHING!!! I am only talking about states in the US of A.. but then that's me being ignorant. I am sure many states have it's wonders.. but weather, culture, and most important food.. nothing beats northern or southern Cali. I am not talking about the boon dogs Cali either. If I were made to live in Redding, CA., I would rather choose ATL.. Surprising ATL has alot of hidden Gems.. and to be honest, I will miss certain aspects of ATL once I leave her for good. I have made great fun friends, and the Southern folks sure know how to BBQ! Until then.. ATL- I will be back to you soon...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Back to Cali.. here I come
It's time to get back to enjoy some family time and to get some summer clothes for the crazy Atlanta warm summers. I am excited beyond comprehension, and a little blown away that I have been away from home for more then 5 months now, it feels so less then that. Part of me is afraid that if I leave ATL now, I might not want to go back. The comforts of home cannot deny, and seeing my parents will make returning to ATL so much harder. I cannot wait to eat home cook meals, and to be in a huge house that is clean, where the fridge is always partly empty, and grocery , well I don't need to do it. NO matter how old you are, when you are home, you are a child again, in the loving, comforts of the womb of your parents. Call it an only child syndrome, but I miss it so much. I might cry when I leave and have to come back to the south, alone on my jet plane.. but I know that there will ALWAYS be home in California.. back in the arms of my loving and supportive parents. Again this passage makes me feel lonely more then ever.. I hope this chosen journey will bear fruits of abundance and comforts - but for now, I travel a semi-lonely path.
Studying has become the enemy, the schedule is not my friend, but a constant reminder of the dwindling long days ahead of me. But this week will end on a happy and exciting note.. I am leaving on a Jet Plane.. going back to wear I belong again.. I am leaving on a Jet Plane, to go back to a place I feel at home again..
Studying has become the enemy, the schedule is not my friend, but a constant reminder of the dwindling long days ahead of me. But this week will end on a happy and exciting note.. I am leaving on a Jet Plane.. going back to wear I belong again.. I am leaving on a Jet Plane, to go back to a place I feel at home again..
Bacon Party..

I had a successul bacon party this past Friday. Nearly 30 folks came, bringing booze and bacon dishes. At first I couldn't imagine how much bacon items can be made - but my friends all were very creative and suprisingly dished out some mouth-watering and savory dishes. I wish I had time to make Bacon Vodka, but sadly it take a total of 3 weeks to make such a concoction. The week ended with the bacon party, to kick of Memorial Day weekend. It was party after the next, alot of drinking and dehydration.
Bacon salt was contributed to the party.. Yes.. bacon salt!! What is nice about the bacon salt story, is that it's kosher- these Pig in a bottle are sent to troops in war areas that are Muslim States, sending a little piece of home to the men that serve our country. Yes that was my way of starting off Memorial Day Weekend.. to make us all realize how lucky we are to live in a Pig Eating Country.. and to give thanks to the men and women who are serving our country in far away lands, who don't have the luxury to eat Pork..
Here are some dishes that were made:
Bacon Smores and Bacon Slider Pancakes made by Kit
Bacon Wrapped Chicken and Scallops made by David
Bacon Ice Cream (which tasted like pralines and cream) by Gretchen
By the end of the night there were many buzzed and bacon happy folks. This will not be my last Bacon party that I promise! I love food themes!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Feeling the Pounding of the Music..
I was all worked up to going to a rave.. I mean how long has it been? It's been years.. at least 8 yrs, and I felt this would be an insanely exciting experience. Sadly it wasn't. The raving culture has died out a long time back, and I don't know if there will be a revival any time soon. I went with a friend and his friend and it was very interesting to see people all decked out in Halloween gear, some with their boobs exposed wearing vinyl pants.. I felt out of place. Like a nun in a strip club. Don't get me wrong.. there is nothing wrong with being creative and self expressive- but to what extent can you really be an individual?
I believe that individuality is overrated- that sadly if you thought of it, the next guy was already 10 steps ahead of you..
The music was way loud- that was when I realized.. hey I like the music, but not necessary in a venue that caters to 18+ kids.. It's ok I like being in my 20's , I like dressing up and going out for drinks.. call me a yuppie , call me old.. I enjoy the bartenders making up jazzie drinks.. I like to be thirsty and quenching it with a diet rum and coke!
I believe that individuality is overrated- that sadly if you thought of it, the next guy was already 10 steps ahead of you..
The music was way loud- that was when I realized.. hey I like the music, but not necessary in a venue that caters to 18+ kids.. It's ok I like being in my 20's , I like dressing up and going out for drinks.. call me a yuppie , call me old.. I enjoy the bartenders making up jazzie drinks.. I like to be thirsty and quenching it with a diet rum and coke!
Friday, May 16, 2008
I am a bit bothered.. Maybe it's the fact in a couple of months I am turning 30..or the fact I am transplanted to this sad little city of loneliness.. I have been a little unhappy lately, and I don't know why.. The stress of school has alot to do with it, and then focusing my energy elsewhere, compiles to the stress. I need to take life one step at a time a friend told me. Sam is a wise man. I sometimes wish I could redo everything in my life. Not that I regret things, it's just it would be nice to redo some stuff, have a different journey or path in life that wasn't so lonely and hard.
I was hoping to be at a solid place by now, to know where I will be, where I am heading.. I guess the only thing I can do is stay focused.. Focus is needed for this profession, tough out the loneliness, tough out the boredom... eventually I will get there.
I spoke to my other good friend James, and he reminded me that everyone gets lonely, and at least I am working towards a solid career, and things will eventually line up itself for me. But when will my eventually come? I don't think I should hold my breath...
I was hoping to be at a solid place by now, to know where I will be, where I am heading.. I guess the only thing I can do is stay focused.. Focus is needed for this profession, tough out the loneliness, tough out the boredom... eventually I will get there.
I spoke to my other good friend James, and he reminded me that everyone gets lonely, and at least I am working towards a solid career, and things will eventually line up itself for me. But when will my eventually come? I don't think I should hold my breath...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Self Absorbed..
Is it that most of us don't care about what is happening in the world? Or are we just so overwhelmed by the vast amount of struggles that we cannot envision making a difference? Doing what needs to be done to help mankind does not mean you take the weight of the world, and then proceed to make all changes necessary. It's not changing the world, but the little things you do for yourself, your family, friends, and people that are around you. If everyone were to just wake up and realize that what we do everyday impacts someone or something in the near future, we would all be in a better place. If you live in a world, feeling worthless, and that your actions don't count.. you become ignorant, and self absorbed in the "love me, live for me,what I do only takes care of what is of my value-" and in an essence, this causes so much more damage then one can imagine.
I like to think that if everyone did what they were suppose to, if every person spent their time, and money wisely.. if everyone took time to know the politics of their government- we would all be in a better place.. it's like a collective soul, a collective strength that needs to be bound by a common thread of humanity, it's that simple people. In this century, we are no longer bound by boundaries.. the only thing that holds us back, is our ability to stretch beyond our own consuming thoughts.
I like to think that if everyone did what they were suppose to, if every person spent their time, and money wisely.. if everyone took time to know the politics of their government- we would all be in a better place.. it's like a collective soul, a collective strength that needs to be bound by a common thread of humanity, it's that simple people. In this century, we are no longer bound by boundaries.. the only thing that holds us back, is our ability to stretch beyond our own consuming thoughts.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Natural Disasters..
" The quake was China's deadliest since 1976, when 240,000 people were killed in the city of Tangshan, near Beijing in 1976. Financial analysts said the quake would have only a limited impact on the country's booming economy."
The 7.9 magnitude earthquake that occurred yesterday has now accounted for up to 12,000 people dead in Sichuan Province.. the number are unnerving, and the news media coverage is heartbreaking.
You know that saying when you are stressed out and all caught up in your own troubles, take a minute and look around you, and just feel blessed? That's what I did yesterday. I am no more different or special then that college student who died yesterday amidst the gravels. I was just lucky enough to be in a different place. Are we all predisposed to a future that is not our choosing? That's a scary question, a question if answered "yes" makes people not accountable for anything they do..even more scary, it makes me unmotivated, since you don't have the feeling you are the captain of your own destiny.
Personally I think we contribute our own actions to where we are economically and socially to a certain point.. but once that thresh hold is met, the people you meet, the place you live in, all equates to your life as you know it.
But I am digressing- what caught my attention, throughout the article they were talking about the human impact, on who has survived, and how survivors are coping.. and at the end they put a damn sentence mentioning the economical outcome that will play after this tragedy for this country. They might as well have written, oh but the Olympics is still on ! It's so faux-pas.
The 7.9 magnitude earthquake that occurred yesterday has now accounted for up to 12,000 people dead in Sichuan Province.. the number are unnerving, and the news media coverage is heartbreaking.
You know that saying when you are stressed out and all caught up in your own troubles, take a minute and look around you, and just feel blessed? That's what I did yesterday. I am no more different or special then that college student who died yesterday amidst the gravels. I was just lucky enough to be in a different place. Are we all predisposed to a future that is not our choosing? That's a scary question, a question if answered "yes" makes people not accountable for anything they do..even more scary, it makes me unmotivated, since you don't have the feeling you are the captain of your own destiny.
Personally I think we contribute our own actions to where we are economically and socially to a certain point.. but once that thresh hold is met, the people you meet, the place you live in, all equates to your life as you know it.
But I am digressing- what caught my attention, throughout the article they were talking about the human impact, on who has survived, and how survivors are coping.. and at the end they put a damn sentence mentioning the economical outcome that will play after this tragedy for this country. They might as well have written, oh but the Olympics is still on ! It's so faux-pas.
Monday, May 12, 2008
PS I love U...
Ahhh boy.. this was a MAJOR tear jerker.. I wanted to grab the tissue box and just mope around the house afterwards.. the whole concept of the movie is definitely heart wrenching..
The premise of the movie is having your bestfriend as your lover, everything you have at the moment you take for granted from this person, you fight over silly things, important adult things, but at the end- when you lose the one you love, all the things you fought about, it all seems so small and silly..
What makes this movie stand out compared to the other romantic comedies is Holly doesn't end up with another man, but that she is content at where she is at. She relives memories, and at the end finds herself again.. finds the girl who met the boy in Ireland.. that hopeful college girl that felt like she could accomplish and do anything..
The best gift that Holly received for her 30th Birthday from her late husband, is in a sense self discovery.
There's alot of points in the movie that makes it a good movie to me:
1) ALOT of self-pity ( you need this in a romantic comedy) she locks herself up at home does not
answer the phone and her place is messy full of take-out boxes. classic
2) Jealousy.. only natural when you are a widow, feeling lonely, and then yourfriends are pregno,
and newly engaged
3)Self-reflection.. of course you have have to have this.. going full circle, recognizing your Id/Ego
4)Being open to the prospect of love but knowing it takes time and eventually one day it can happen again.
The premise of the movie is having your bestfriend as your lover, everything you have at the moment you take for granted from this person, you fight over silly things, important adult things, but at the end- when you lose the one you love, all the things you fought about, it all seems so small and silly..
What makes this movie stand out compared to the other romantic comedies is Holly doesn't end up with another man, but that she is content at where she is at. She relives memories, and at the end finds herself again.. finds the girl who met the boy in Ireland.. that hopeful college girl that felt like she could accomplish and do anything..
The best gift that Holly received for her 30th Birthday from her late husband, is in a sense self discovery.
There's alot of points in the movie that makes it a good movie to me:
1) ALOT of self-pity ( you need this in a romantic comedy) she locks herself up at home does not
answer the phone and her place is messy full of take-out boxes. classic
2) Jealousy.. only natural when you are a widow, feeling lonely, and then yourfriends are pregno,
and newly engaged
3)Self-reflection.. of course you have have to have this.. going full circle, recognizing your Id/Ego
4)Being open to the prospect of love but knowing it takes time and eventually one day it can happen again.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My Knees ache My heart Breaks...
Ahh.. sometimes a song lyric parallel's how you feel at the moment.. not that my heart is breaking but my knees are aching, burning, and itchy. Sounds a tad gross, but I scraped my knees good while attempting to play Ulimate Frisbee. The burning sensation is pretty intense, it kept me up a little while before I could fall asleep.
Everything looks very easy when you are on the sidelines watching.. but the reality is, you run like mad, and you have to stay focus, and keep an eye on your "man". The object of the game is pretty similar to Football or soccer, but with a Frisbee.
From the sidelines, I kept thinking, it's doable, it's not too intense.. well the last ending, they allowed me to give it a try, and boy was my ass whipped. This buff, soccer chic, who looked petite from the sidelines, was mad fast on the field, and there was no way I can run at her speed, she was wide open to catch the Frisbee and score..
The cool art of the sport is liability of being honest..there's no referee. I guess the whole philosophy of the game is to have fun , and show good sportsmanship.. but really.. isn't the whole point of being in a team is to beat another teams ass?
Maybe that's was why I never caught onto the whole sports league band wagon when I was younger. Competition always gave me an erie uneasy feeling, I like to think the only person you should compete with is yourself. But then how fun is it to be a one man team?
Everything looks very easy when you are on the sidelines watching.. but the reality is, you run like mad, and you have to stay focus, and keep an eye on your "man". The object of the game is pretty similar to Football or soccer, but with a Frisbee.
From the sidelines, I kept thinking, it's doable, it's not too intense.. well the last ending, they allowed me to give it a try, and boy was my ass whipped. This buff, soccer chic, who looked petite from the sidelines, was mad fast on the field, and there was no way I can run at her speed, she was wide open to catch the Frisbee and score..
The cool art of the sport is liability of being honest..there's no referee. I guess the whole philosophy of the game is to have fun , and show good sportsmanship.. but really.. isn't the whole point of being in a team is to beat another teams ass?
Maybe that's was why I never caught onto the whole sports league band wagon when I was younger. Competition always gave me an erie uneasy feeling, I like to think the only person you should compete with is yourself. But then how fun is it to be a one man team?
My Sisters Room
So here I am on another adventure.. and where does it take me? To a lesbian night club, where the chicks look like dudes, and some look really cute, too cute to be lesbians.. not that I am checking them out, but I can appreciate a pretty gal with cute clothes.
I was in East Atl, and I had a blast.. We started out at Flat Iron and then ended up at Graveyard with Caitlin's friend's from Tennessee.. The Southern Boys with accents sound so cute, and one in particular caught my interest.. he was pretty funny in a geeky way, which makes my smile. In general I love it when people make me smile, especially geeky boys.
The night ended pretty early at 130am, and Caitlin and I ended up at a fun club, to our surprise it was all girls, dancing up a storm.. no men to bother you, uninhibited, swaying to the beat of the music.. having fun being yourself, and just dancing.. I like it.. you don't have to care about your hair, or if you are dancing correctly, you move how you feel, and you sweat off the calories you drank.. and you just have fun with your this case with Caitlin, my ultra cool ass roommate.
Some girls tried to get into the groove with us, which I don't mind at all.. hey I know what I like, I am secure with my sexuality, in all case, I enjoy dancing and I don't care who it is with.
It's funny the place is called My sister's room.. it gives it a naughty and promiscuous undertone.. something that should be shielded and hidden from society.. I wish it was called fairy's for fun.. something whimsical, a place that makes you want to shake your ass without feeling ashamed..
I was in East Atl, and I had a blast.. We started out at Flat Iron and then ended up at Graveyard with Caitlin's friend's from Tennessee.. The Southern Boys with accents sound so cute, and one in particular caught my interest.. he was pretty funny in a geeky way, which makes my smile. In general I love it when people make me smile, especially geeky boys.
The night ended pretty early at 130am, and Caitlin and I ended up at a fun club, to our surprise it was all girls, dancing up a storm.. no men to bother you, uninhibited, swaying to the beat of the music.. having fun being yourself, and just dancing.. I like it.. you don't have to care about your hair, or if you are dancing correctly, you move how you feel, and you sweat off the calories you drank.. and you just have fun with your this case with Caitlin, my ultra cool ass roommate.
Some girls tried to get into the groove with us, which I don't mind at all.. hey I know what I like, I am secure with my sexuality, in all case, I enjoy dancing and I don't care who it is with.
It's funny the place is called My sister's room.. it gives it a naughty and promiscuous undertone.. something that should be shielded and hidden from society.. I wish it was called fairy's for fun.. something whimsical, a place that makes you want to shake your ass without feeling ashamed..
Saturday, May 10, 2008
So here I am..Pumping some gas..
I get restless on Friday nights when I am home doing nothing. The whole concept of doing nothing really irritates every fragment in my body. So yesterday I was tittering between going out with friends, or staying in. To provoke the action of going out, I decided to go pump gas and get some cash from the atm. Both of which if done at 4pm, during the optimal time when everybody else seems to have the same plan, is a terrible deal.
Here I am pumping my gas, and I swear it took 20 minutes at least. The pumps were all slow, people were crowded backing in and out of stalls, trying to get to an open stall-
It all looked like a scene in a movie where gas was running out, and people were making desperate attempts to get some while they can.
The whole experience made me want to go home, take a shower, turn on the TV and veg out. Moving to Georgia has made me somewhat of a hermit. The normal things I like to do, all seem to have dissipated in thin air..for the most part, it's due to lack of companionship. Back in Cali, Milpitas, to be specific, I had my clan. I had folks I knew since pre-pubescent, folks that I can call up last minute to grab dinner or drinks.
Then when I up and moved to med school in the Caribbeans, it was awesome, every Friday I had something to do, somewhere to go, someone to do stuff last minute with.
Don't get me wrong, I have met some quality awesome folks here Georgia..but it's not the same..I feel hesitation calling someone I don't know very well to hangout last minute.. everything at this moment in my life needs a schedule to happen.
Last Minute Plans.. how I miss you..
Not so last Minute Plans..but close enough..I was able to go to see Radiohead at Lakewood Amphitheatre, enjoy an awsome show and drink a 24 oz Budlight.
Here I am pumping my gas, and I swear it took 20 minutes at least. The pumps were all slow, people were crowded backing in and out of stalls, trying to get to an open stall-
It all looked like a scene in a movie where gas was running out, and people were making desperate attempts to get some while they can.
The whole experience made me want to go home, take a shower, turn on the TV and veg out. Moving to Georgia has made me somewhat of a hermit. The normal things I like to do, all seem to have dissipated in thin air..for the most part, it's due to lack of companionship. Back in Cali, Milpitas, to be specific, I had my clan. I had folks I knew since pre-pubescent, folks that I can call up last minute to grab dinner or drinks.
Then when I up and moved to med school in the Caribbeans, it was awesome, every Friday I had something to do, somewhere to go, someone to do stuff last minute with.
Don't get me wrong, I have met some quality awesome folks here Georgia..but it's not the same..I feel hesitation calling someone I don't know very well to hangout last minute.. everything at this moment in my life needs a schedule to happen.
Last Minute Plans.. how I miss you..
Not so last Minute Plans..but close enough..I was able to go to see Radiohead at Lakewood Amphitheatre, enjoy an awsome show and drink a 24 oz Budlight.
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