I have not dressed up for Halloween in a long time. The time spent on the island for med school, did not conjure up the same spirits as being in the USA , for this very American Holiday. With friends in the spirits, it was not hard for me to decide on going out for Halloween this year. What started out as an early 8pm, meeting up with the friends for drinks before a Halloween party, ended up being an hour wait for the police to come.
I was heading on the main street going with the speed limit of traffic, with a green light clearly stating I had the right of way, when out of nowhere, a car tried to make a left turn, and I collided with the car, hitting it right smack in the passenger side. My gut instinct was to break as fast as I could, but no amount of break could stop me from ramming into the car. I slowly pulled to the side, and made sure my friends were ok. The next thought in my head was, oh man, my car is wrecked. I asked my roommate Caitlin to check the car, and she stepped outside, took a look, and the look on her face said everything. I resolved in my head that the accident could not have been my fault, it made no sense, and even if it was, I was glad I was alive with my friends, we were able to step away from the accident without any need of to going to the hospital.
You can go through life doing the right thing, following rules, and within minutes, if someone makes a wrong decision, your life can change. I am so grateful that no one was hurt, but it did put a huge burden in my mind, when I thought, man things could have been so much worse. If my breaks didn't work, if I had driven 10 miles faster, alot of things would have happened for the worse. My friends and I would have been critically injured, life would have totally changed.
I woke up this morning, with nothing but a sore neck from whiplash, nothing severe, just a little ache. But sadly my car looks terrible. I hope repairs will be done soon, it's not a pretty site. But like all things, it's just an object, can be fixed, and life will go on.
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