Saturday, August 2, 2008

Narcissism ..the good the bad and the Politics

Two days ago, the media was all over Barack Obama's actions in Germany..he was labeled a narcissistic man..who only wanted media attention, and would otherwise not be interested in anything else but to get himself on the political campaign of YouTube and the TV screens world wide. IS THIS WRONG? How can someone be otherwise and be in the position he is in? Running for presidency.. Come on People.. you have to be somewhat of an ass.. a go getter..a person who is self-loving, and self-loathing, to be so confident and so well groomed to run for such a political office. Name me one timid, non-pompous CEO .. please try..
It takes a certain personality to get to where he is.. I am not saying it is right or wrong, but let's face it, it's definitely part of the game, and for him , Obama is taking every chance to get himself noticed, to get his face on the screen. Sadly some folks just recognize a face.. they don't know the issues.. and if on election day, his face he burned in the brains of American Citizens who don't no any better but to pick and choose by recognition, then he did a good political campaign.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sometimes you just want some alone time

As of lately, I have been in great company, my good friend Adam has been a great pal, letting me hangout at his house on Fridays til the wheee hours watching Psych ..and just chilling. But today I am in my own room, watching Psych, and House. I love House, it's so smart..cause it's just real medicine.. the people are insanely smart, the diseases are real! and I am loving it..
Getting back.. I like it , time alone, tea, sitting watching tv..and just being alone. Alone time is important for the Soul, it is important for the self reflection.. or just time alone to do nothing. When you are boggled with time that is categorized by appointments, it's just wonderful to have time alone.. to have a cup of tea.. take time for yourself, make a cup of tea.. turn on the tv.. read a novel.. do what you like to do to relax and find your sanity.. because life... as fast as the week's a long journey ahead.. everyone needs a time alone.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Paths that Cross

In life, it seems like you choose your friends, but do you really? Are we destined to cross paths? What was once strangers in the same city.. we have come together.. through the oddness of the Internet, that is how I met a majority of my friends in Atlanta, they have been awesome, funny, kind folks, who may not have the same past or future as mine..but we share a common thread of happiness on drinking, eating, and just chilling. It's funny as we grow older, as we know who we are, or think we know what we want for ourselves.. it creates the ability, a magnetism, for us to draw to the one's that are "like" us. When they say "birds of a feather flock together" now I understand.. So if it happens that we cross paths, I just want you to know my smile is genuine...and my wine glass is always half full!