Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back to Cali.. here I come

It's time to get back to Cali..to enjoy some family time and to get some summer clothes for the crazy Atlanta warm summers. I am excited beyond comprehension, and a little blown away that I have been away from home for more then 5 months now, it feels so less then that. Part of me is afraid that if I leave ATL now, I might not want to go back. The comforts of home cannot deny, and seeing my parents will make returning to ATL so much harder. I cannot wait to eat home cook meals, and to be in a huge house that is clean, where the fridge is always partly empty, and grocery , well I don't need to do it. NO matter how old you are, when you are home, you are a child again, in the loving, comforts of the womb of your parents. Call it an only child syndrome, but I miss it so much. I might cry when I leave and have to come back to the south, alone on my jet plane.. but I know that there will ALWAYS be home in California.. back in the arms of my loving and supportive parents. Again this passage makes me feel lonely more then ever.. I hope this chosen journey will bear fruits of abundance and comforts - but for now, I travel a semi-lonely path.
Studying has become the enemy, the schedule is not my friend, but a constant reminder of the dwindling long days ahead of me. But this week will end on a happy and exciting note.. I am leaving on a Jet Plane.. going back to wear I belong again.. I am leaving on a Jet Plane, to go back to a place I feel at home again..

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