Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Natural Disasters..

" The quake was China's deadliest since 1976, when 240,000 people were killed in the city of Tangshan, near Beijing in 1976. Financial analysts said the quake would have only a limited impact on the country's booming economy."
The 7.9 magnitude earthquake that occurred yesterday has now accounted for up to 12,000 people dead in Sichuan Province.. the number are unnerving, and the news media coverage is heartbreaking.
You know that saying when you are stressed out and all caught up in your own troubles, take a minute and look around you, and just feel blessed? That's what I did yesterday. I am no more different or special then that college student who died yesterday amidst the gravels. I was just lucky enough to be in a different place. Are we all predisposed to a future that is not our choosing? That's a scary question, a question if answered "yes" makes people not accountable for anything they do..even more scary, it makes me unmotivated, since you don't have the feeling you are the captain of your own destiny.
Personally I think we contribute our own actions to where we are economically and socially to a certain point.. but once that thresh hold is met, the people you meet, the place you live in, all equates to your life as you know it.
But I am digressing- what caught my attention, throughout the article they were talking about the human impact, on who has survived, and how survivors are coping.. and at the end they put a damn sentence mentioning the economical outcome that will play after this tragedy for this country. They might as well have written, oh but the Olympics is still on ! It's so faux-pas.

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