Sunday, March 29, 2020

2020 .. Corona Virus .. Married for 7.5 years and 2 kids

Gosh .. it’s been 10 years since I’ve written on this blog site. So much wonderful things have happened! That wonderful guy that I dated who moved to Australia for a short time .. whose taught me patience and “honey everyone’s different”.. he’s still doing what he does best to keep me grounded! Happily married to him for last 7.5 years and we have 2 beautiful kids a boy and a girl ! Life’s been pretty much happy dandy until the world went into quarantine mode. No .. this is not a zombie movie plot I’ve made up fictionally ! Corona virus which revealed itself to the world early December 2019 has pretty much infected every continent. We live in such a wonderful global community, but with that comes the terrible ability to easily transmit everything so easily ! Be it Social Media or Disease. I still love food dearly .. and during these emotionally hard times .. I’ve taken to cooking to help me deal with what I can’t control.
 I’ve figured in the short amount of time, the things I can control, which are :
1) feeding my family
 2) keeping my home clean and comfortable
 3) keeping myself healthy mentally and physically
 All these things are so crucial so I can love and care for my husband and kids. I never imagined living in such an uncertain time - where going out means being diligent to not infect others with your germs and likewise. I choose to diligently wipe down things because I want to insure I’m leaving a clean slate for the next person. I’m not living in fear but I also want to be responsible and caring for my fellow citizens. If we all can just take a part in living clean, staying in our comfy homes and making the best of it .. I’m hoping by my next post I can happily announce I’m cooking a beautiful delicious dinner for my friends to come to enjoy! Boy do I miss the days of dinner parties and having family and friends over ..until then I’ll be cooking for my 3 love ones ! Here are some pics of what I’ve made over the 2 weeks in quarantine :

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