Thank god for the IPhone and all the wonders of it's millions of useful and useless applications that are in store for it's Apple Junkies! I stumbled upon loseit not too long ago, but like all useful and good diet tools out there- it takes commitment for it to work. Since late June, a couple of friends and I have teamed up on loseit, in order to track our calorie intake and output..Goal to lose our unwanted pounds and return to our oh so sexy selves! You all know those pictures that you hold dear to your heart!
Well so far since being back home and getting on a good workout and eating routine I have lost 10 solid pounds! 7 of those pounds were just from coming back home, and eating out less then my time spent in Atlanta. 3 of those pounds are shear hard work, and calories counting! I kinda get into a rut on why it's only 3 pounds and not 5,but I have to continually remind myself, muscle weighs more then fat! Plus pictures speak for itself:) I'm kinda scared to post it-but here goes.. plus it's motivating:)
I am hoping to reach my "ideal" goal weight by Mid November early December. It's heart wrenching when I input my weight and height in the Iphone application called WeightmaniaPro Calculator to calculate BMI and it tells me I am obese. Obese is such an ugly word, and it's even uglier for someone who is in the health career such as I am.'s better to start my weightloss journey now then to never start at all..and to the days that I fall off the wagon, I tell myself, just get back on, click the application, and input my calories in/out...and begin anew!
If you're out there and you're trying to loseit too! Try the Iphone application, get your friends together and DO IT!
Til Next time!
To good food & good health!
Here's Current and Before Photos!

July-2010 (after 10 pounds loss)

May-2010 (visiting a good friend in Arizona)